‘It takes a village to raise a child’
Oft quoted though this African proverb may be, it resonates profoundly with all that we believe at King’s. Ours is a ‘village’ on so many levels: rich in diversity, local and engaged, a global community and one infused with an unstinting generosity of spirit.
A welcome that knows no bounds
Supporting other communities
Wonderful partnerships

The ‘King’s family’ extends a welcome that knows no bounds.
Parents, staff, governors, grandparents and all family members all share a deep commitment to supporting the progress that each child will make. It’s all about opportunities and how we can encourage children to a better understanding of the unique advantages that they enjoy. We share a commitment to fostering childhood and the moral values that really matter. This is where children start the journey that will shape the adults they become. It is our great privilege to travel some part of that journey with them.


The freedoms that the independent sector affords should always be underpinned with a deep sense of responsibility to the experiences of all children, everywhere. Our relevance is determined by the part we can play in supporting other communities, our lives enriched by all that we can learn from others. Sometimes this will be through taking collections for local charities; sometimes it will be in sharing our resources with local primary schools, by offering subject specialist teaching and the use of facilities. We are always inspired by all that these partnerships give to us: the sharing of creativity and best practice so generously offered to us by such partnerships, is an invaluable resource.
“The children were an absolute credit to the school and asked some very pertinent questions that allowed our host to explore some of the complexities of homelessness in Cambridge, and some of the ways in which Winter Comfort supports the homeless and vulnerable.”
Kate Scotland, King’s Parent

Since 2005 we have enjoyed the experience of a wonderful partnership with the Dikkumbura Sri Siddhartha Senior School and Dikkumbura Primary School in Sri Lanka. Collections at King’s have helped to support their building programme and we have also been able to assist with library books and teaching resources. The enrichment that we have enjoyed as a result of these partnerships has been second to none. Each year King’s pupils greatly enjoy learning about a new culture and the different experiences of children at school in Sri Lanka. Likewise, King’s staff who have been fortunate to have spent time teaching at Dikkumbura treasure their experiences and friendships.
More recently, we have extended links with schools in South Africa, and made a charitable donation to Otjikondo School in Namibia where we hope to grow our links (particularly through our Music department) in the future. King’s has a Home Clothes day each term to support a charity in each of the following sectors: animals, people and international.

“The school link is now well embedded into our life at King’s and we look forward to the many learning opportunities it offers for the future.”