Asset 4

We welcome enquiries throughout the year from the families of boys in Years 2, 3 and 4 who are considering a Choristership at King’s. You are most welcome to visit us for tour of the School and the Boarding House, during which you can meet the Head and the Housemaster. We can also arrange an informal meeting and audition with the Director of Music. These opportunities are excellent ways for you to get a feel for the chorister life and for us to give you feedback on whether being a chorister might be right for your son.

Become a Chorister: The Making Of


Three unique adverts created by our choristers in three different groups. This isn’t The Apprentice. This is #becomeachorister.

Advert 1 | Don’t be bored

The first of the three unique adverts presents a typical “day in the life” of a chorister at King’s.

Advert 2 | Evolution

“Evolution” is by Group 2, and shows the development of a chorister at King’s between Year 4 (when the start) and Year 8.

Advert 3 | Mission: Possible

The final advert shows that being a chorister doesn’t have to be all “serious” – and is actually really fun!

Chorister Auditions

We hold several audition dates during the year, but encourage parents to make contact at any stage. We are now welcoming enquiries for boys to join Year 4  in September 2025.

During your son’s audition, which lasts approximately 8 – 10 minutes, he will first be asked to sing a short and simple prepared song, e.g. Away in a Manger. It’s ideal if you can provide two copies of the music so that we can accompany your son on the piano. Mr Hyde will also ask him to do some aural tests such as clapping back a rhythm, picking notes out of a simple chord and singing back a melody played on the piano. If your son plays a musical instrument (by no means a necessity), he will be asked to play a short piece to the School’s Director of Music, Mr James Randle. He will also meet Mr Colin Dely (the School’s Head of the Junior School) who will ask him to do some academic tests (Maths, Spelling, Reading, Reasoning). In between times, he will be able to play games with the other boys taking part, overseen by one of the Boarding House staff, meet the pupils in his year group who are already pupils at King’s, and have a tour of the school. It’s a busy and exciting morning.

Choristers fitting their robes

First Step

   If your son has a love or singing and music, whether he has had formal training or not, Chorister life could be his dream come true so we encourage you to get in touch and find out more.

The first step is to contact Katie Randle, Registrar (01223 365814 or, to arrange a telephone or zoom conversation, tour or informal audition.

Auditions for boys currently in Year 3 will be held
in January and February 2025.

Boys in Year 2 may wish to arrange to have an Informal Audition.

More information available at Chorister Auditions/FAQ.

© Geoff Robinson