The Pre-Prep Department provides a happy and secure environment for children aged between 4 and 7, developing the foundations which will underpin their future school careers. Most important is inspiring a love of learning so that children are excited about the learning opportunities available to them each day.

Children are taught using a ‘creative curriculum’ approach, which allows each subject to link and be drawn out of the termly or half termly topic. The freedom for a teacher to follow a child’s individual line of enquiry allows for a unique and rewarding educational journey.
The size of the classes is kept small to enable every child to be nurtured. The children are taught by experienced and inspirational teachers, supported by a team of teaching assistants. In Reception, each class has a class teacher and dedicated teaching assistant, ensuring that every child receives individual care and attention, both academically and pastorally.
In Pre-Prep we offer specialist teaching in:
- French
- Physical Education (P.E.)
- Music
- Games

Outside the Classroom
Children learn a sense of community through our charity projects, meet members of the wider community through our busy programme of special visitors, and can try many activities through our club programme, including:
- Ballet (Royal Academy Ballet)
- Yoga
- Chess
- Squash
- Tennis
- STEM/Construction
- Arts and Crafts
- Maracas (Music and Dance)
The Whole Child
Underpinning the Pre-Prep’s approach to education is the development of the ‘whole child’, which aims to prepare positive, confident and resilient students.
We provide an environment where effort is always rewarded, in which children feel safe and happy to experiment, explore, and achieve their very best.

Forest School
Pupils take part in Forest School sessions in our natural on-site setting with an accredited Forest School leader.
Forest School is a child-centred inspirational learning process, that offers opportunities for holistic growth. Through our program at King’s we encourage play, exploration and supported risk taking in a safe and secure environment.
Pupils develop confidence and self-esteem through learner inspired, hands-on experiences, whether that be toasting marshmallows over a campfire, whittling, building minibeast houses or cooking up a storm in the mud kitchen!