Asset 4

Many of our pupils join King’s at the age of 4 into Reception, and remain with us through to the end of Year 8. Traditional entry points have always included 7+ into Year 3, 8+ into Year 4 (the age for Choristers and Schola Cantorum to join), and 11+ into Year 7, particularly popular for those preparing for entry to senior schools with scholarships or where Common Entrance may be required.

The reality is very much more accommodating. The nature of our building allows us to increase cohort sizes as pupils move up the school, so we are always delighted to welcome new children as these additional places become available, and that can really be into any year group and pretty well at any time in the academic year.

From Reception to Year 4, the classrooms are in St Martin’s Building, which is positioned within the Main School Campus, with its own Pre-Prep playground space. It has a close-knit family feel, enabling all pupils to be nurtured and to feel well known. St Martin’s is a converted house, with classrooms varying in size and thus allowing us to add children at non-standard entry points:

Year 1:            4 additional spaces; 

Year 2:              2 additional spaces; 

Year 3:              8 additional spaces;

Year 4:               8 additional spaces; 

Year 5 and 6:  4 additional spaces; 

Year 7 and 8:   8 additional spaces. 

Please contact the Registrar to check if there’s a space available in your child’s year group (   

We continue to welcome applications for pupils to join in April and September 2025 (please see below regarding the next dates for assessments).  Please contact the Registrar ( if you wish to check availability in your child’s year group.


Admissions Timeline

If you would like your child to be considered for a place at King’s College School, the admissions process is:


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Report 2018

1. Registration

Complete and return the registration form, together with the non-refundable registration fee to the Registrar. This will place your child’s name on the waiting list for their year group.

2. Assessment

Your child will be invited to visit for an assessment and we will also write to their current school for a confidential reference report (not applicable for entrants to Reception).

3. Offer of a place

Parents have two weeks to accept the offer of a place.

4. Joining paperwork

The full joining paperwork is sent to parents during the term before the child joins the school.

5. Transition visit

Where possible, we arrange for your child to visit for a familiarization visit and to meet their new teacher.

We are happy to receive enquiries for places year round and, where spaces are available, admit pupils to the school during the academic year.

All arrangements for lodgings for pupils, excluding the Boarding House accommodation and residential school trips, are to be made by parents.

Entry to Reception

Reception Entry

Pupils registered to join Reception will be invited for a 30 minute 1 to 1 assessment with a member of the Pre-Prep teaching staff. These usually take place in May/June or October/November of the year preceding entry. If spaces remain, assessments are also organised in January or April of the year of entry.

We are now inviting registrations for pupils to join Reception in September 2025 and 2026, and the next assessment visits will be in January and February 2025 (for entry to Reception in September 2025).


Entry to other years

Entry to other years

Once a pupil is registered, they will be invited to attend an assessment morning, which includes a tour of the school with pupils of their own age.  In addition, we contact the pupil’s current school for a reference and their most recent school report.

Places are offered, to those who meet the entry requirements, on a first-come-first-served basis.

Our next assessment morning, for entry to Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 in April and September 2025 will be on Thursday 13 February (morning).  Please contact the Registrar ( for more information.

Our next assessment morning, for entry to Year 3 to 8 in April and September 2025 will be on Friday 31 January (morning) and Tuesday 11 February (morning).  Please contact the Registrar ( for more information.


Sponsored Students 

King’s College School, Cambridge is licensed by UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) to sponsor international students to come to the UK under the Child Student route of the UK’s points-based immigration system. 



Our Approach

Chorister places

Information about the King’s College Choir and chorister places