Asset 4

Most Year 8 pupils secure a place at their first-choice senior school, with a high proportion achieving scholarships. Our teachers pride themselves on preparing pupils carefully and thoroughly, taking into account the specific entrance examination requirements of each senior school.

Moving on

Whilst many of our Year 8 pupils move on to senior schools within the Cambridge area, such as The Perse, Stephen Perse, The Leys, King’s Ely and St Mary’s, a significant number choose schools further afield, including Eton, Haileybury, Harrow, Oundle, Rugby, Stowe, Tonbridge, Uppingham, Westminster and Winchester. Please see the information below about the senior school destinations of our last cohort of Year 8 Leavers.

We have a vast experience of the senior school application process and excellent relationships with local schools as well as those further afield. Each school has its own unique offering and we are perfectly placed to help parents and pupils to find the best fit for them.

Moving On

2023 – 2024

Accepted places 2022-2023 Cambridgeshire
Other Locations
Accepted Places 2022-2023 outside Cambridgeshire

2022 – 2023

Accepted places 2022-2023 Cambridgeshire
Other Locations
Accepted Places 2022-2023 outside Cambridgeshire

We encourage parents to begin considering senior schools at around Year 5 and we are there at every step of the way to offer advice and guidance. This begins by discussing ideas with their child’s Form Tutor and attending one of our biennial senior school admissions fairs. We encourage parents to then arrange an appointment with one of our Deputy Heads to consider their child’s specific situation and senior school options. Informed by the pupil’s evolving academic and pastoral needs, this conversation continues on a regular basis, with the aim of ensuring a smooth transition into the preferred senior school.



During the academic year 2020-2022 pupils achieved the following scholarships to senior schools:

No. of Scholarships offered over 4 years (2022-2023)
% of Year 8 Pupils awarded a Scholarship (2020-2023)