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Year 3 Egyptian Day
On Wednesday, Year 3 stepped back in time to the era of Pharaoh Akhenaten and his wife Nefertiti in Tel-el-Armana. As the children entered the portal of the Assembly Hall, they found themselves transported back to the fourteenth century BC.
The aroma of incense gently wafted across the room as the children entered the market place. Before long, they were busily learning new skills as apprentices to the scribes, bread-makers, physicians and embalmers (of wooden clothes pegs!) of the day.
In the afternoon, a banquet was held in the Royal Court to celebrate the Festival of the Nile. Everyone played their part in bringing the court to life with processions, performances and in serving the all-important feast.
Many thanks to the Year 3 parents for helping the children get into role through their wonderful costumes, and to all the staff who kindly gave their time to support the activities throughout the day. It was a memorable and thoroughly enjoyable day which helped to enrich our History topic for Year 3.