Asset 4

Junior Drama Week

Mar, 2024 | News

Last week, the Junior Department held their very first Drama Week. The week began with the children creating their own props, programmes and play title poster alongside rehearsing for the final performance at the end of the week. Each class performed their own play within the Year 3 theme of Mixed-up Fairytales and the Year 4 theme of Ancient Greek Myths. Every pupil had a speaking role on stage and contributed towards the creative process. It was a wonderful, immersive week for all!


























book a tour

We will be holding an Open Afternoon for prospective families for entry to Reception to Year 4 on Friday 26 January 2024.  To book a place, please email:


We usually offer tours on Tuesday and Friday mornings during term time.   On arrival, parents meet with the Head, before touring the school, with a particular emphasis on the areas of most importance to their child.

To arrange a visit, or for more information, please contact Katie Randle, Registrar.


book a tour

We will be holding an Open Afternoon for prospective families for entry to Reception to Year 4 on Friday 26 January 2024.  To book a place, please email:


We usually offer tours on Tuesday and Friday mornings during term time.   On arrival, parents meet with the Head, before touring the school, with a particular emphasis on the areas of most importance to their child.

To arrange a visit, or for more information, please contact Katie Randle, Registrar.
